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NMTSA is now offering online/Zoom Parent and Caregiver Trainings in Order to Partner With Those We Serve in Understanding And Applying the Techniques, Accommodations, and Supports Offered at NMTSA and Therefore Facilitating Their Transfer into the Home and Community. You Can Request Recordings of Past Sessions!  

NMTSA Philosophy and Practice:  How Music Impacts the Brain and Impacts Our Lives

OVERVIEW:   This course provides an overview of NMTSA's philosophy of treatment and discusses the evidence-based practice of NMT, inclusive of research supporting the use of rhythm and music to optimize brain function.  Additionally, direct transfers into the home will be discussed so that families can implement usable techniques immediately in their home life.

COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Suzanne Oliver, MT-BC, NMT Fellow (Founder and Executive Director of NMTSA)

DATE OFFERED:  To Receive access to the Recording email and type PHILOSOPHY AND PRACTICE in the subject line

COST: Free of charge to all NMTSA families 

SPONSORED BY: Bridget Ann's Hope for Tomorrow Parent Empowerment Fund

Understanding Brain Differences in Persons With Autism 

OVERVIEW:   This course provides practical understanding of brain connectivity differences in persons with autism, and how this understanding can helps more effectively support individuals we live and work with.  Recent brain research will be described in practical terms and direct transfers to every day life will be discussed. 

COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Suzanne Oliver, MT-BC, NMT Fellow (Founder and Executive Director of NMTSA)

DATE OFFERED:  To Receive access to the Recording  email and type BRAIN CONNECTIVITYin the subject line.

COST: Free of charge to all NMTSA families 

SPONSORED BY: Bridget Ann's Hope for Tomorrow Parent Empowerment Fund

Ask The Director Hour

OVERVIEW:  These bi-monthly chats provide an opportunity for parents/caregivers to log in and ask specific questions about treatment and home transfer.  Parents can participate live, or send in questions that can be answered and then viewed later through recorded sessions.  These Director Chats provide great opportunities for problem-solving barriers in order to allow for optimal functioning at home and in the community. (Schedule altered slightly due to the summer months.)


FACILITATED BY: Suzanne Oliver, MT-BC, NMT Fellow (Founder and Executive Director of NMTSA)


DATE OFFERED:  To Receive access to the Recording  email and type ASK THE DIRECTOR 2022.


To Receive access to any of the Recordings, type RECORDING with date/s in the subject line. 

06/01 (Questions Answered)

10/5 (Preparing for a Home Program/Use of Metronome)

03/01/22 Help (Me Understand)


COST: Free of charge to all NMTSA families 

SPONSORED BY: Bridget Ann's Hope for Tomorrow Parent Empowerment Fund

Drum Home Program Training

OVERVIEW: This course is designed for those persons (parents, caregivers) who have participate in the NMTSA Philosophy and Practice Training and have been directed by their loved one's therapist to begin a home drum program.


DATE OFFERED:   TBD based on participant pre-requisites |  TBD; this is a two hour course


COST:  This training experience is offered free of charge to NMTSA families referred by their treating therapist.

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