All of the therapists at NMTSA hold the national certification credential MT-BC issued by the Certification Board for Music Therapists. Additionally, all NMTSA therapists are required to obtain additional advanced clinical training in Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT)® through the Academy of Neurologic Music Therapy® and to maintain Fellowship status with the Academy of Neurologic Music Therapy throughout employment. Fellowship is maintained by attending NMT Fellowship training every five years, where each therapist must present their clinical work in NMT for evaluation by Academy staff and peers.
Clinical Staff

Suzanne Oliver
MT-BC, NMT Fellow
Founder and Executive Director
12/19/2022 Podcast with Joe Thompson
3/12/2024 Podcast with SurroundSounds

Leanna Moore
MM, MT-BC, NMT Fellow
Clinical Training Director

Administrative Staff Visiting International Clinicians

Joseph (Joe) Thompson
Neurologic Music Therapist
(May-August 2022)
Podcast: Baselines in MusicTherapy
2/20/2024 Podcast: SurroundSounds

Mary-Clare Fearn
HCPC Certified MT, NMT
Neurologic Music Therapist
(November 2022)
Emma Bailey
HCPC Certified MT, NMT
Neurologic Music Therapist
(May 2023)

Music Therapy Interns What Are They Doing Now?

Megan Reynolds
NMTSA Intern/Univeristy of Toronto
May 2024 - August 2024
Coming Soon......
NMTSA is extremely grateful to all the many volunteers that assist us throughout the year, and we appreciate those persons who have made long-term commitments to NMTSA, assisting us in IT support, administrative tasks, organizational tasks, board service, and/or session support/participation.
Thank you!
Ka I Ho
NMTSA Intern/Arizona State University
August 2024 - January 2025
NMTSA partners with those impacted by disability to change lives through using the brain’s response to music, and optimizing body and brain connections. NMTSA assumes the competence of all.