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ACT LA  |  Get Started Now

STEP 1    Fill Out Our New Member Form
COVID-19 Update: ACT/LA is currently offering services online via ZOOM. The new member form has been modified to reflect these changes.
STEP 2     Select Offerings
Note: Selecting an offering or a time does not guarantee that specific offering and time will be available. The final schedule is determined based on interest and availability of current participants. Please select all offerings you are interested and all time slots for which you are available. The ACT/LA Team Coordinator, Chris Melton, will contact once you have completed Steps 1 and 2 to finalize your schedule. If you have ANY questions, please email Chris at
STEP 3     Meet With Team Coordinator
Before you begin you will have a brief meeting with the team coordinator. This meeting is designed to ensure you have the best possible support going into your first ACT/LA offering. This is also a time to share any goals, concerns, or requests prior to beginning
Note: Meetings will take place via ZOOM while the clinic remains closed.                                           
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